Better For My Body

Don't Settle For lesser

Fake Money is Limiting Your Health





Money and health are vitally linked. If given the option, most people would rather exercise the logical option of buying natural and nutritious food. I know you – you reading this – would love to have an endless source and variety of food to choose from coming from plants and animals that are all-natural, farm-raised, degree-holding, luxuriously pampered, musically talented, charmingly handsome, etc. But you don't. Most people don't. Why? The answer is buried deep but I will show you a very shallow reason: the money supply limits your health.






The Dollar: an Artificial Private Promise






Money here in the U.S. Is based on the dollar. The dollar is a Federal Reserve note, a promise from a private bank in the form of a note. We are all essentially subscribed to a private, copyrighted, fiat paper system. It would be as if we all agreed to use Chuck-E Cheese tokens to pay all our bills, and ol' Charles E. Cheese would own the copyright to all the tokens. If you try to make more tokens, Charles would come after you for copyright infringement. If Charles wanted to control the value of the money he could simply make more tokens and give them to his other vermin friends. Now the amount of wealth in the society does not increase from the making of more tokens/dollars, it just changes who holds the proportional buying power. Now where do new tokens/dollars go?






Government Subsidies






In the U.S. there are government subsidies: the government will pay people to do or not do certain things. There are subsidies for food; farmers get paid for growing corn, soybeans, and sugar. There are other subsidized crops, but lets stick to these for now. A farmer would get paid for the amount grown, which only promotes yield as opposed to nutrient density. This leads to big genetics companies to work on modifying the foods for yield at the sacrifice of nutrition. Now we have big money and a production line setup to produces a lot of low-nutrition food. Notice how the three examples I gave earlier are arguably the most heavily modified foods and also some of the least healthy. Now where do we see these foods?






Cheap Genetically Modified Foods






Corn is in almost everything at the grocery store, because it is cheap. And why would restaurants not choose the cheaper option as well? Corn is used in bread, meats, sodas, teas, ice cream, burger buns, tortillas, chips, and oils, Soybeans are cheap and heavily modified. Soybeans are processed into oil that is used in almost all dressings, sauces, and spreads. Sugar is added to almost anything for the simple reasons that it is addictive, pleasurable, and cheap. Sugar keeps people coming back for more. Next time you go to the grocery store, try to imagine how empty it would look if all the foods where these three are added would be removed. Pretty bare.






Overview of the Junk Food / Junk Money Process






So now we see, simply, how subsidies lower the cost of certain foods and promote growing more of the subsidized food. This leads to an incentive to products that would produce more yield of those foods, such as genetically modified seeds. The modified foods have yield sizes boosted at the cost of nutrition. There are now large quantities of this artificially promoted food simply because the government allowed a private bank to print more money and give it to this production. The printed money stole the buying power of all the other dollars and gave it to this artificial food production. Now, you have less buying power to buy food. The large quantities of artificial foods are cheap, and you now have, essentially, less money, so you buy the cheap food. The genetics companies, low-quality farming conglomerates, and junk food companies all win at the cost of your health!






S.N.A.P.: Steal Nutrition And Productivity






It is made even worse because of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, more commonly known as food stamps. This is more government tokens/money given to people to buy food, buy a huge portion of that, billions, every year goes to purchasing junk food. Now if you are not participating in S.N.A.P., you still feel the effects every time you buy food. Remember what happens if Charles E. Cheese makes more tokens? He only steals the value of all other tokens, then gives it to his buddies, thus giving them a large portion of all the current buying power in a society. Similar to this, money is given to the cost-side of the junk food companies through subsidies and then money is given to the revenue-side of the companies through welfare programs. The junk food companies have their production costs lowered and their sales numbers boosted by stealing your money, as inflation, through government programs! This system steals your money, makes natural food more expensive, and presents to you low grade trash alternatives! You deserve better!






Better Yourself. Better Your Body






Now what can you do? You have to make a choice of what to put in your body. As a guideline: what you don't pay in money, you will pay in health. The continuation of the system relies on people only seeing cost in terms of dollars, which is narrow minded. Look at the time cost, the health cost, the mental cost, etc. Your body is the foundation of your existence. You have to ask yourself: how important is your body compared to private bank notes? Having this sort of thinking in mind will help you better decided what is good for you.






It may be hard at first to make the appropriate changes. Spend time looking for healthy alternatives. Go to better grocery stores. Limit the junk that comes into your home. Cook for yourself. Over time all your positive changes will make a difference. You will begin to feel stronger, think clearer, lose weight, look vibrant, feel positive, and many other good things.






You can make small adjustments to your food over time. It is a big an daunting system that we all face that is working against us. But that doesn't mean we cannot work in manageable ways to better our bodies. Make health a habit. Saving money may come at the cost of health. Saving time may come at the cost of less energy. Saving mental effort may come at the cost of quality of life. Don't compromise your health. You deserve better.